Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Ruby declared “mainstream”, by Curt Hibbs. What will I be switching to… ;-)
Text Tricks and More Text Tricks on OS X, by Giles Turnbull.
The language machine is an efficient and usable toolkit for language and grammar.
Very early C compilers and language, horrible and beautiful code.
Remember me when you turn your lights
Way down low
Remember me when you close your eyes
On your pillow
— Dan Bern, Remember Me
The SECD machine is a highly influential virtual machine intended as a target for functional programming language compilers.
Solving Sudoku: X-Wings, the most approachable description I’ve read.
Boolean Implementations, Ruby, Smalltalk and self, are they premature optimization? :)
Ron is a declarative language for building any ruby object graph, somewhat like JSON, but based on Ruby instead of JavaScript.
Using Test Driven Development in a Computer Science Classroom: A First Experience, by Jeffrey Elkner. I wonder if Fit would be helpful for teaching.
Terse guide to Squeak, pretty useful.
Open Source Madness!, Debian forced to fork Firefox to IceWeasel.
The Hearth at Thunder Edge Knoll, how to make up subdivision names.
Respiratory Oases, “The tiles – algorithmic in design and modular in assembly – are built to reduce vehicular air pollution, including nitrous oxide and ground-level ozone.”
I don’t gotta do anything – at all
I don’t gotta do anything – it just falls
— Dan Bern, Rain
Compiz, Beryl, and the future of Linux eye-candy, by Jeremy Jones. Neat video, too.
Using Traits to Maintain State, by Curtis Poe. You can use mixins in Ruby for that, of course.
North Korea’s Nukes and North Korea’s Neighbors, by circletimessquare. “Assuming verification by its neighbors, this is not going to end well for the region.”
National Coming Out Day is today!
Service Reuse: Fact or Fiction?, by David A. Chappell. It would be quite a waste of time else…
Heart-shaped Island, how cute!
Vi Input Manager, by Jason Corso. “This bundle patches the Cocoa Text System to add a Vi-like command mode.” How pervert. ;-)