Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Google To Acquire YouTube for $1.65 Billion in Stock, WJW.
Slackintosh 11.0 released, mmmmh.
Killer Sudoku: tips for solvers, for people like me that can’t figure them out.
Sorry if I’m a little tongue-tied
But it’s been so long
Since I talked to anyone
— Dan Bern, Tongue-Tied
The Lazy Builder’s Complexity Lesson, by Thomas Guest. “This article investigates the complexity guarantees made by the C++ Standard Library.”
Three ways of writing XML transformation programs, by Rick Jelliffe.
Blood, Hanna writes: “This morning, there was blood on the hallway. Blood smeared on the stone floor, the smears leading into the apartment next door.”
Working with Others: Accessibility and User Research, by Maurizio Boscarol at A List Apart. “After personally observing users with disabilities interacting with websites in unexpected ways, I have come to believe strongly in the value of user research—and to suspect that we really don’t know quite as much about real-world accessibility as we think we do.”
Glass avenues of Paris 2054, a critique of Christian Volckman’s “Renaissance”.
Robert Glass, DSLs, and Ruby, by Pat Eyler. IMO, all languages are domain specific, but some domains are bigger than others.
Thanks for the visit in my dream this morning
You said you weren’t gonna save the world no more
You visited my friend at the same time too
As always there’s enough to go around of you
— Dan Bern, Visit in My Dream
Enter the Mini-Anti-Earth, who needs gravity anyway…
The Beginning of NeXT, featuring videos.
Monad Transformers Step by Step, by Martin Grabmüller. Draft paper, October 2006.
String#chars Blessed by Rails Papacy as Fingertips Work to Dip Ruby’s Toes in the UTF-8 Waters, nice.
Zope 3 Critique, by Ian Bicking.
RUVA, a toy VM, written in Ruby, that is loosely compatible with the JVM. Whoo.
Code Reads #1: The Mythical Man-Month, a must-read indeed.
Lightning exits woman’s bottom, a woman has suffered severe burning to her anus after being struck by lightning which hit her in the mouth and passed right through her body. Hot.