Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Beginner Bugs, do you want to become a Yhc developer?
Unplug phones to save power, but better turn off the light.
Equal Height Columns using CSS, I haven’t heard of that particular technique before.
“I miss Lisp”, Karl Fogel almost makes me cry.
Google ‘in talks to buy YouTube’, how much?
Pull off the road, step out of the van
Lean against the hood still hot from the drive
Trees fade out in the black of the night
Some days it don t hardly seem worth the fight
But at least tonight I get to hear
The golden voice of Vin Scully
— Dan Bern, Vin Scully
CouchDb, PHP and the offline Web, choosing PHP is a big mistake…
The Whole Enchilada, a manual for a new programming language that stands on the shoulders of Lisp, APL and Forth.
Vala is a new programming language that aims to bring modern programming language features to GNOME developers without imposing any additional runtime requirements and without using a different ABI compared to applications and libraries written in C.
Set the spelling language in Pages, how the fuck am I supposed to figure that out?
Nobody Likes Moon Cakes, “Mooncakes, of course, are the exact cultural analogue of the American fruitcake, that venerable Christmas pastry of astonishing density that brings people together by uniting the giver and receiver in a shared reluctance to eat it.”
Landscapes of Aerial Invention, brilliant.
Zooming Out in Time, John Baez about long-time thinking.
Using Perl 5 Embedding with Pugs.
Effectiveness of automated refactoring, by Ola Bini. His hypothesis: “Automated refactoring is a subset of the Church-Turing halting problem.” I agree.
On Frameworkitis, then, I’m writing another blog system, too. ;-)
A good man is hard to find
Only strangers sleep in my bed
My favorite words are good-bye
And my favorite color is red
— Tom Waits, A Good Man Is Hard To Find
What the Amish are Teaching America, by Sally Kohn. “The Amish, it seems, don’t automatically translate their grieving into revenge. Rather, they believe in redemption.”
Knuth -yllion, “Donald Knuth adapted the familiar naming schemes to handle much larger numbers, dodging ambiguity by changing the -illion to -yllion.”
Lock-picking business card, lovely! WJW.
Web browser standards support, overview of modern browsers.
Another reason to give your kid a weird name, IMO is being easy to google an advantage…