Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Immortal Smooth Solution of the Three Space Dimensional Navier-Stokes System, by Penny Smith. This paper even mentions the Millenium prize it tries to solve. ;-)
Egomania Itself, by Steve Yegge. “Agile wouldn’t be a big deal, except the Agile camp is really loud.”
Spring 2.0 Final Released, just in case you are stuck in J2EE.
Universal laws are fine
But they all break down, if you go too far back in time
Like way before I knew you, if you can imagine
— Dan Bern, Universal Laws
Five ways to get insane productivity boosts, by Yan Pritzker. Nothing earth-shattering, but true nevertheless.
AJAX on the Enterprise, by Kurt Cagle: “The following is a transcript (or at least a prescript) of the talk that I gave at the AJAXWorld conference on October 4, 2006, looking at emerging technology in that space and focusing (not surprisingly for me) on the XML side of things.”
Sex and Sushi, by aural junkie. “Women generally don’t make sushi, in fact if you walk into a sushi bar or restaurant, nine times out of ten, the chef behind all those parcels of delight and wonder will be male.” NSFW.
Budget Multitrack Recording Hardware, by bindlestiff. “So lets all go window-shopping for multitrack digital recorders under $400.00 US and see what we find.”
Alternative Comment System, just use Flickr’s as if it was yours!
Fucks per programing language and license, the usual suspects.
Really real examples of HOP techniques in action, by Mark Dominus.
Struck by loops, “[h]uge loops of gas – similar to those found on the Sun – have been found soaring above the galactic plane near the centre of the Milky Way.”
Die alten bösen Lieder
Die Träume schlimm und arg,
Die laßt uns jetzt begraben,
Holt einen großen Sarg.
— Heinrich Heine, Die alten bösen Lieder
gute straßen, schlechte straßen, Lydia philosophiert: “Das Leben ist wie eine Autobahn…”
The RubySpec Wiki, “This Wiki is intended to help build a collaborative Ruby language and implementation specification, based on the knowledge we all have gathered as Ruby language and implementation developers. It will grow as we learn more about Ruby, and evolve as the specification of Ruby’s semantics and libraries becomes more clear and more well-understood.”
Evan’s Camping Slides, “The very campsmart and railswise Evan Weaver has put up his Camping slides from a Philly gathering.”