Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
KeyJnote is a program that displays presentation slides in PDF format.
SHIFT: The Web 2.0 Drinking Game, who joins in?
In-Browser Wireframe Prototyping with Frametastic, nifty.
Yahoo! Developer Network: Ruby Developer Center, “If you’ve ever thought about combining Ruby with Yahoo!’s open APIs and Web services, read on.”
And always moving upward and ever upward to this gentle, golden promised land
With the smartest of them all moonlighting as a word processor
And the strongest of them all checking IDs outside saloons
— Dan Bern, Wasteland
New JRuby Interview (part 1), Pat Eyler interviewed the JRuby guys.
Perian is a free plugin that enables QuickTime to play almost every popular video format. Uses ffmpeg.
(String < Enumerable).nil?, “So, it sounds like the 1.9 series will remove Enumerable from String’s ancestry, in favor of String#lines.” Hooray!!
A random thought on String theory, by Damien Katz.
Infinitesimal Types, “I want to combine two things I’ve previously discussed: Synthetic Differential Geometry (SDG) and Derivatives of Containers.”
The FXT library: Fast transforms and low level algorithms, featuring the ebook “Algorithms for programmers”. Think of Knuth meets Hacker’s Delight. Very neat.
CurlyML is a simple, concise format for storing and transmitting structured data and documents. Of course, just another format that never will catch on, but it’s kind of nice, though.
Programming without Control: Smith, “It’s got no jumps, no branches, no control flow whatsoever. The program counter starts at zero, and every step, it increments by one and only one.”
How To Get Kicked Out of CSE Class, by Drew Yates. A lesson learned?
But, sooner or later, one of us must know
You just did what you’re supposed to do
Sooner or later, one of us must know
That I really did try to get close to you
— Bob Dylan, One Of Us Must Know
Chronology of Wakeup Calls at NASA. “In the honored tradition of playing wakeup calls in space, the chronology lists the verifiable songs played during both human spaceflight and robotic missions.”
Die Schiffsbegrüßungsanlage Willkomm-Höft ist eine Einrichtung am Schulauer Fährhaus in Wedel an der Unterelbe.