Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Yield Prolog lets you embed Prolog programs directly in Python or C# (or JavaScript, coming soon) by using the yield keyword.
SHARCS’06: Special-purpose Hardware for Attacking Cryptographic Systems, SHARCS’06 is the second workshop dedicated to the challenging subject of special-purpose cryptanalytical machines. Hot stuff.
USBCELL: Batteries That Recharge Through USB, a fantastic idea.
The Virtual Microscope is a NASA-funded project that provides simulated scientific instrumentation for students and researchers worldwide as part of NASA’s Virtual Laboratory initiative. Nifty!
Nominal Closures for Java (version 0.2), looks good to me.
It had zero effect–on me
It had zero effect–zero
It had zero effect–
The thing that brought me to you
Was you
— Dan Bern, Zero Effect
mod_magnet is the new replacement for mod_cml in lighttpd.
Macbeth on Google Books. “When shall we three meet again, In thunder, lightning, or in rain?”
When modular arithmetic was a STOC result, discovering Euler on arXiv.
Profiling XML Schema, by Paul Kiel. “I decided to embark on a quest to see if we can put together a profile of XML Schema based on experiences thus far.”
Boykott der Musikindustrie ist absolut hörenswert “Zeitgleich zur Popkomm startet der Chaos Computer Club an diesem Wochenende eine Gegenaktion: Unter dem Motto “Boycott Musicindustry” verteilen Mitglieder des Clubs CDs an Passanten. Auf der kostenlosen CD sind namhafte Künstler wie die Beastie Boys oder paniq vertreten, die ihre Musik komplett legal zum Runterladen aus dem Internet anbieten.”
one step forward, Lydia, ich trinke lieber Segafredo Kaffee.
Want to Help Translate the Ruby Site?, even non-programmers can do it.
Yhc.Core is now a publically available and somewhat supported API! Cool.
And nobody can keep you from the ones you love
Nobody to steal away your sway the way you walk
May there never be a time that you don’t walk through
May there never be a time when you don’t live through
— Beth Orton, Mount Washington
Security: DEFCON — Security Tool Nirvana, by Kristy Westphal. Maybe mentions something you didn’t yet hear about.
Who Drew This Painting… Elephant, Artist, or Preschooler? Test your artistic instincts with this fun quiz!
360 in a circle, 60 minutes and 60 seconds… What is so special about 60?, oh why couldn’t the old Babylonians use hexadecimal numbers?
ATM Backdoor… Why is no one talking about this?, just lovely.