Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Animated(!) long-exposure photographs, WJW. Must-see.
Guido blesses Django. Django and TurboGears to merge?, Jeremy Jones presumes. End of diversity? I don’t think so.
What can we measure? Part II, cont’d. Featuring String Theory.

frisby is a linear time composable parser for PEG grammars, written in Haskell.
LibraryThing helps you to create a library-quality catalog of your books. You can do all of them or just what you’re reading now. And because everyone catalogs online, they also catalog together. LibraryThing connects people based on the books they share. Looks pretty useful.
I met a man from Mars.
He picked up all my guitars
And played me traveling songs.
— Neil Young, Ride My Llama
LuaTeX is an extended version of pdfTeX using Lua as an embedded scripting language. Awesome. Imagine the possiblilities.
The Time Fountain, neat illusion.
Get stuff for free, let the fundies pay, sorry, but that’s immoral.
SciRuby authors Ara Howard and Justin Crawford interview Alex Gutteridge, who has a MSc and PhD in Bioinformatics and is working on the structural bioinformatics of enzymes.
The Google ctemplate package contains a library implementing a simple but powerful template language for C++. It emphasizes separating logic from presentation: it is impossible to embed application logic in this template language.
Personality Traits of the Best Software Developers, indeed.
Mahatma Gandhi, the Missing Laureate, “He was nominated several times, but was never awarded the Nobel prize. Why?”
Top 10 Accidental Discoveries is nice, but placing Viagra before Penicillin? Please.
Fallen angel
Who’s your saviour tonight
You’re surrounded
by these walls
and neon lights
— Pearl Jam & Neil Young, Fallen Angel
Announcing Tornado version 0.01, Dan Sugalski’s vector VM. Gotta check this out. “If you play with it, expect to make friends with gdb, though. :)”
Proof that OS X Leopard will use ZFS? – Time Machine Revealed?, apparently not (see the comments). Too bad, really.
Marshalling Ruby 2.0 Codes, ko1 has a fun sort of inbetween option: marshalling arrays containing Ruby 2.0 instructions to an .rbc file.
Pugs meets Judy, fast hashes and arrays for Perl 6.
A talk with the man behind mongrel, interview with Zed Shaw.
My favorite Ruby and Rails feeds, by Damien Tanner. I guess I should blog more about Ruby again… ;-)