Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
tourb.us, A Better Way to Find Live Music. Great domain name.
What can we measure? Part I, at A Neighborhood of Infinity. Cool.
Everyday I Live is an excellent grungy photoblog. PNSFW.
The Five Friendlies (fúwá) are the 2008 Olympic mascots whose reign of terror over Beijing will soon spread to all of China and then the world. RUN!
Algorithmus der Woche, jede Woche ein neuer.
Ich komm vom Planeten der verzweifelten Götter.
Ich komm vom Planeten der reichen Bettler,
wo die Liebe verkauft wird und der Haß verschenkt,
wo die Mörder belohnt werden und die Heiligen gehenkt.
— Ton Steine Scherben, Durch die Wüste
386 / 486 bugs and strange instructions, documented by Grzegorz Mazur.
Ultimate Quality Development System, explained at the DivMod wiki.
Python in Google Code Jam, by Guido van Rossum. No Ruby, no Perl, no Haskell, no Lisp. How unfair.
R-trees are tree data structures that are similar to B-trees, but are used for spatial access methods i.e., for indexing multi-dimensional information; for example, the (X, Y) coordinates of geographical data.
Ignore fact and reason, live entirely in the world of your own fantastic and myth-producing passions; do this whole-heartedly and with conviction, and you will become one of the prophets of your age. — Bertrand Russell, How to Become a Man of Genius
Cryptographer from Carolina: Starting OFF on ONLamp, Justin Troutman’s first post. Sounds interesting.
No, really: my book is Ruby for Rails!!, David A. Black about misunderstood reviews of his book.
Ich seh deine Augen, und sie sind offen,
und ich seh dein Gesicht, und wir müssen lachen.
Ich umarm dich, und du gibst mir deine Wärme,
und alle Menschen um uns sind leuchtende Sterne.
— Ton Steine Scherben, Wir sind im Licht
ActiveTest: Rails-style testing, umm, metaprogramming tests? I’m not sure the idea is as good as it may seem.
Hardware Random Bit Generator, now if I had a serial port. ;-)