Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
aamath is a program that reads mathematical expressions in infix notation and renders them as ASCII art. It may be useful to send mathematics through text-only media, such as e-mail or newsgroups. Neat.
Bio-ignorance, I, for one, am interested in both Computer Science and Biology.
Lisp is the Red Pill, Bill Clementson made a poster.
Wir fürchten nicht, ja nicht
Den Donner der Kanonen!
Wir fürchten nicht, ja nicht die Noskepolizei
Den Karl Liebknecht, den haben wir verloren,
Die Rosa Luxemburg fiel durch Mörderhand.
— Bert Brecht, Auf, auf zum Kampf
Wikimedia Proves Greenspun’s Tenth Law, “We started digging and eventually were rewarded with recursive template substitution, which appears, at least at first glance, to be sufficient to implement the lambda calculus, and thereby perform as a Turing complete functional language.” WJW.
Opening up my hiki wiki: bliki.rb plugin, make your own eigenclass.org!
The Logistics of Distance: An Interview with Kazys Varnelis, BLDGBLOG features a lot of interviews these days.

One Web. One World. One Wish. September 22, 2006 is OneWebDay. The idea behind OneWebDay is to tell the story of how the web changes lives around the world. We’re making the web visible so that we don’t take it for granted.
Cultural Software: A Theory of Ideology, by J.M. Balkin. “Cultural Software explains ideology as a result of the cultural evolution of bits of cultural knowhow, or memes. It is the first book to apply theories of cultural evolution to the problem of ideology and justice.”
There’s nothing in her bedroom
Just a bed and TV
and it’s OK if i’m in her way
I just sit and drink my tea
— The Subways, Mary
SAXually Explicit Images: Data Mining Large Shape Database, Google TechTalk by Eamonn Keogh. I’ve found this highly interesting.