Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Tahchee is a tool for developers and Web designers that makes it possible to easily build a static Web site using the Cheetah template system. Neat.
Programming is Hard, another code snippet site.
Open Languages Need Open Test Suites, chromatic says and is right.
The Etch song, ouch: “It’s raining bugs! Hallelujah! - It’s raining bugs! Amen!”
No more pencils
No more books
No more teacher’s dirty looks
Out for summer
Out ‘til fall
We might not come back at all
— Alice Cooper, School’s Out
Can Your Programming Language Do This?, Joel Spolski discovers higher-order programming…
Open Source Licenses are Obsolete, I’m not sure I’ve read BS like that before.

We are the map of the eternal route
Station 9 on the last hold-out
we are the children of the damned
If we don’t start to make a stand
Situation’s out of hand
— Dead Moon, Area 51
Skeletonz is a new content management system (CMS) based on Python. It differs from others by being simple, but yet very powerful and extensible. Site doesn’t validate.
Project Management by Dummies, by Curtis Poe. “Guess who won the contract? The company with the proven and free software, or the company who was donating a lot of money but had no software and little experience in this area?”