Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
The iroha (伊呂波/いろは) is a famous Japanese poem because it is a perfect pangram, containing each character of the Japanese syllabary exactly once. Because of this, it is also used as an ordering for the syllabary.
Google hires Plone Founder, buying the important Python guys one piece at a time.
Some are pourin’ cement
Some are sawing’ wood
Some are filin’ papers
Some are sellin’ blood
— Dan Bern, Monuments
RailsConf 2006 Keynote Series, watch the talks online. Unfortunately, the slides aren’t shown.
Diagram for Perl 6’s CPAN stack, let’s see if they manage a continuous integration.
Mail Plugin for Ruby-Wmii by _why, and I used to joke when Wmii finally can read mail!
Rethinking Community Documentation, by Andy Oram. “Community documentation has swept up so many talented people and accomplished so much that I’ve decided to join in and help it flourish.” Nice for lazy programmers, too. }:-)
Das liegt wahrscheinlich an den Scheißverlierern, die sich immer auf die anderen verlassen,
die ihr Leben nicht geregelt kriegen und mir ein schlechtes Gewissen verpassen.
Das liegt an dieser christlichen Erziehung, an dieser komischen Schwäche für die Schwachen.
Als ob das die besseren Menschen wären, da kann ich ja nur lachen.
— Funny Van Dannen, Kapitalismus
Test Your Knowledge of Ubuntu Topics, I had, without any training or special interest in Ubuntu 36 of 50 correct.
20 Things You Should Know About Pearl Jam, or not, but who cares. ;-)
trapexit.org is wiki where you can find endless of information about Erlang/OTP.