Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Ignoring the “Great Firewall of China”, this is plain lovely.
Rudolf Carnap was an influential philosopher who was active in central Europe before 1935 and in the United States thereafter. He was a leading member of the Vienna Circle and a prominent advocate of logical positivism.
The Web Is a Pipe, James Duncan Davidson about deploying Rails apps.

Essentials, 2006 edition, list of applications Mark Pilgram needs.
Don’t say CRUD say FUC’D, read this summary of DHH’s talk just for the quotes. Awwsome.
I’m softly exhaling
You give me release
I’m softly exhaling
You give me release
— Ane Brun, Balloon Ranger
Vector fun for bowling, “Programming problems aren’t normally something that interest me, but having read about one by Ron Jeffries implementing a J algorithm in Ruby I thought I’d try it in C++.”
Discovering a world of resources, DHH’s slides of RubyKaigi and RailsConf.
Hacking a Perl Hack for Python: Autocomplete in vim, a small hint by Jeremy Jones.
And you can knock down a building
You can kill a woman or a man
From the Brooklyn Bridge to the Golden Gate
What’s born in love will stand
— Dan Bern, Hometown Of The World
The people, they receive email, however, TV wastes far more time.
Why the World is ready for the Semantic Web, by Dan Zambonini. A pretty Web 2.0-y view of the Semantic Web…
Counting At The Cloak ‘N’ Bind, a piece of evil code.
Four petabytes in memory at Google. WJW.
An Introduction to Ruby/DLX, “Using C libraries in Ruby was never this easy”, by Marcel Toele.
The Notation in Principia Mathematica, “The notation in that work has been superseded by the subsequent development of logic during the 20th century, to the extent that the beginner has trouble reading PM at all.” I already had something about PM this week, but I consider Peano dots very interesting.