Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
DABlog is David Alan Black’s new blog about Ruby and other things.
Making Senses, Matt Webb’s reboot8 slides.
Translate Haskell into English Manually, by Shannon Behrens. “Write a program in Haskell that translates C type declarations into English.” Neat start.
Matt Webb’s Wikipedia Contrail, this is mine: Alternative algebra, Kris Kristofferson, Modular arithmetic, Quadratic reciprocity, Sedenion. Scary.
Obst in den Po und Paddel drauf, dafür wäre man früher erschossen worden: Fallschirmjäger sollen sich auf einer Feier Obst in den Hintern geschoben und mit einem Paddel drauf gehauen haben.
I could make you happy, make your dreams come true
Nothing that I wouldn’t do
Go to the ends of the earth for you
To make you feel my love
— Bob Dylan, Make You Feel My Love
The Traditional Vi, Source Code for Modern Unix Systems. Ick, at least use vim.
Git-Perl, interface to the Git version control system. By Petr Baudis.
How Does a Programming Language Stagnate?, by chromatic. “I’m not the person to ask about the viability of using Perl 5 for new development projects in your own environment (and I can’t wait for Perl 6), but I had an interesting thought about how to gauge the suitability and evolution of a language today…”
How to Divide by Three, it’s not as easy as it seems.
Scaling Up with XQuery, Part 2, by Bob DuCharme. “This week, we’ll see how to perform the same setup and usage tasks with two more servers: eXist and Sleepycat’s Berkeley DB XML.”
A How Big Are Things? Cube provides a nicely tangible and compact presentation of size. Each face shows a different scale. It covers atoms through Jupiter. The 10cm paper cube can sit on one’s desk, providing an attractive and handy reference. Nice idea.
auf jeden fall:
geht in den copy shop und legt eure köpfe
auf die glasflächen der geräte und kippt
die deckplatten über eure frisuren nach dem neuesten
und schliesst die augen—
der blitz der erkenntnis brennt sie euch sonst
aus ihren höhlen
— KD Diedrich, Dunkle Zeilen
In memoriam K.–D. Diedrich, † 2006, leider etwas verspätet.