Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
What If Unix, Patrick Logan asks the best question this month: “What if the first shell language had been a simple lisp interpreter, along the lines of elisp.”
Coin in the Couch, Damien Katz explains how he wants to make money from CouchDb.
Chinese Death Vans, this totally gives me the creeps.

CPAN Module Review: Class::MOP, by chromatic. “Perhaps my keenest frustration with Perl 5 is its lack of a clean metaprogramming facility.”
The power of groups, by Colva Roney-Dougal. A bit math can’t hurt.
Now the bonds are broken, but they can be retired,
by one more journey to the woods, the holes where spirits hide.
It’s a never ending battle for a peace that’s always torn
“Come in,” she said,
“I’ll give you shelter from the storm.”
— Bob Dylan, Shelter From The Storm
Why Apple Won’t Open Source Its Apps, by John Gruber. Ah yes, the evilness of commercialism. ;-)
Functional Programming For The Rest of Us, “It’s true that FP articles and papers are hard to understand, but they don’t have to be. The reasons for the knowledge gap are purely historical.” Highly, highly recommended.
Viberavetions Community Development Blogs, Forums, and File and Photo Sharing Server is Now Live!
Your Concrete Utopia, wanna buy an artificial atoll? Maybe rather not.
Time, spent waking off shore
The calm, before the storm
My take, from you is simple
— Chevelle, Comfortable Liar

Speeding Up Builder 2.0, _why optimizes Markaby.
How to Plan Manpower on a Web Team, by Shane Diffily for A List Apart. “Fortunately, the problem of defining the number of people required on a web team is not insurmountable.”
Prettier Accessible Forms, by Nick Rigby for A List Apart. “I’ve tried to create a form-styling solution that is both accessible and portable.”
Behavioral Separation, by Jeremy Keith for A List Apart. That’s the right way to use JavaScript.