Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
The Waste Land, by T. S. Eliot. “April is the cruellest month, …”
Software Wars, A graphic map depicting the epic struggle of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) against the Empire of Microsoft. Been updated recently.
Indie Podcasting with Open Source, by John Littler.
Ardour is a digital audio workstation. You can use it to record, edit and mix multi-track audio. Produce your own CD’s. Mix video soundtracks. Experiment with new ideas about music and sound. Generate sound installations for 12 speaker gallery shows. Have Fun.
Vindaloo a l’Agni, by Trollaxor. “The name for this dish comes from Agni, the Hindu deity of fire.”
I’m waist deep, waist deep in the mist
It’s almost like, almost like I don’t exist
I’m twenty miles out of town, in cold irons bound
— Bob Dylan, Cold Irons Bound
Delimited dynamic binding, final draft for ICFP 2006 by Oleg Kiselyov, Chung-chieh Shan, and Amr Sabry.
McCloudian Classification for comics. Found by John Wiseman.
Goodbye to 6 months, and I actually admired Joi Ito for backing up to lots of different computers. Sucks.
The DVD Shelf—Leon: The Professional (1994), by Psycho Dave. “The film in question is one that had hetero men waiting seven years for a time when it would no longer be disgusting to fap to Natalie Portman.”
Tomorrow’s Edges for the Black-Diamond Runs, Patrick Logan digs up a nice analogy by Ward Cunningham.
I’m listening to Neil Young, I gotta turn up the sound
Someone’s always yelling turn it down
Feel like I’m drifting
Drifting from scene the scene
I’m wondering what in the devil could it all possibly mean?
— Bob Dylan, Highlands
alles wird gut im internet, Lydia guckt Parallel-Fussball.
RailsConf 2006: Day 0, Curt Hibbs reports. “Wow… what a crowd! It was a veritable who’s who of the Ruby/Rails world.”
Richard Feynman: The Douglas Robb Memorial Lectures, a set of four priceless archival recordings from the University of Auckland (New Zealand) of the outstanding Nobel prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman – arguably the greatest science lecturer ever.
Sieben Geisslein an object store implemented in java. It tries to achieve orthogonal persistence.
A Few Wmii-3 Hacks, seems like _why got hooked too.
Opinion: Final should be default, not deprecated, posted by Floyd Marinescu. Evil. Luckily, I don’t use Java.
In my mind I’m crawling on your floor
Vomiting and defeated
Total absence of grace
Your reluctant voice saying
You decide your own fate but
— Ane Brun, Rubber & Soul
Open Up Google.com!, chromatic requests. Just edit your damn /etc/hosts, eh? Best comment: “This may be the stupidest thing that I’ve ever read on O’Reilly.”
Storing Dates, by davorg. Classic user problem.
Terrorism? I don’t care…, by konrad. “Though acts of terrorism are spectacular and get an amazing amount of media-coverage they actually have very little real impact compared to other factors. It’s just not very likely to ever affected by an act of terrorism, let alone be killed in it.”
RubyQuestions for the RubyQuiz Master, Pat Eyler interviews James Gray.
Transformer Houses, a nice idea: “In 1987, Canadian photographer Robin Collyer began documenting houses that aren’t houses at all – they’re architecturally-disguised electrical substations, complete with windows, blinds, and bourgeois landscaping.”

Feng Shui Detector, WJW.
Nearing RubyGems 0.9.0, and still so many things needed…
Alle Leute herbei,
Schlagt die Brücke entzwei.
Und sie schwangen das Beil,
Und sie tanzten dabei:
— Es führt über den Main
Infinite Order Logic and the Church-Turing Thesis (PDF), by Dimitris Vyzovitis. For your amusement.
ML Modules and Haskell Type Classes: A Constructive Comparison , by Stefan Wehr and Manuel M.T. Chakravarty. “The work at hand fills this gap by presenting a constructive comparison between ML modules and Haskell type classes; that is, it introduces two formal translations from modules to type classes and vice versa, which enable a thorough comparison of the two concepts.”
One reason I chose Erlang, by Damien Katz. “What I found surprised me big time, the Erlang OTP platform has completely changed the way I view reliable software construction.”