Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Slashdot Redesign, yuck. This may be the reason to finally stop reading it. (IMO, the runner-up is far better.)
The Treacherous Optimization, or why grep is fast.
UML Diagrams Using Graphviz Dot, looks pretty good.

Paul Anka sings Smells Like Teen Spirit (MP3). WJW.
Fools ignore complexity; pragmatists suffer it; experts avoid it; geniuses remove it. — Alan Perlis
Simple ain’t Easy: Myths and Misunderstandings about Simplicity, by Brad Appleton. Very good points, with links and quotes.
Fuckweb2.com, protest 2.0?
Lack, Tom Hanks is a wise man.
Refactoring Everything, Day 25, by chromatic. “Today’s task is fixing the NodeBase tests.”
Disrule! special character entities without DTDs, by Rick Jelliffe. Keeping DTDs was the biggest mistake of XML.
The whole world’s a bottle,
And life’s but a dram,
When the bottle gets empty,
It sure aint worth a damn.
— Bob Dylan, Moonshiner
resonator.bldg, really big inflatable speakers. Cool.
All right, I’ll take a chance, I will fall in love with you
If I’m a fool you can have the night, you can have the morning too.
Can you cook and sew, make flowers grow,
Do you understand my pain?
Are you willing to risk it all
Or is your love in vain?
— Bob Dylan, Is your love in vain?
The Celtic Wench, by terryfunk. PNSFW. “Which dream?” — “Oh, it’s the one where I am giving my cousin a blow job, you know…when I was six-years-old.”
The Pitfalls of Bridge Climbing, by pr1mu5. “And with our replies, our first bridge climbing trek sprung from a missed dose of lithium.”
A Visit to The Hitler Bar, a very, um, creative theme for a bar indeed. “After protests from near and far, the owners of the bar first renamed it to ‘Ditler’ and then to ‘Ceasar’.”