Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Google Trend: ruby rails, j2ee, *rubs-hands*
MIDAS: Multifunction In-Dorm Automation System, Featuring everything from web control, voice activation, and a security system, to large continuously running information displays, electric blinds, and one-touch parties, the custom designed MIDAS Automation System has brought ease to our lives (if one doesn’t count all the time it took to actually build and program the system).
Ships’ logs give clues to Earth’s magnetic decline, by Patrick Barry. “The field’s strength is now declining at a rate that suggests it could virtually disappear in about 2000 years.”
100 things you should know about DDT, by J. Gordon Edwards and Steven Milloy.
The 2006 University of Chicago Scavenger Hunt will be held from May 11 to May 14, 2006. Please note that this is the end of 7th Week, and not 6th Week as in years past. Scavhunt’s bond to Mother’s Day is stronger than our bond to the College calendar. Awesome list.
Sister has her headphones on
She hears the music blasting
She sees here brother marchin’ by
Their bond is everlasting
Listening to Bob Dylan singin’
In 1963
Watchin’ the flags of freedom flyin’
— Neil Young, Flags Of Freedom
Einheitslook im Klassenzimmer, by Thorsten Stegemann “Deutschland diskutiert über die einheitliche Schulkleidung.” Was bin ich froh, dass ich mir den Scheiß wohl nicht mehr antun muss.
Don’t quit your day job, Gillian Carson says. “Unless you are Google and you do have gazillions of dollars and just as many workers then you will have to build your web app ‘on the side’ and while you are doing other stuff.”
Positive Negative is a great photoblog by Frank Kolodziej.
CPAN Module Review: Data::Dump::Streamer, by chromatic.
Writing PostgreSQL Functions with PL/pgSQL, by David E. Wheeler. More fun doing that in Ruby.
Using PC-BSD, by Dru Lavigne. I’m still unclear about its target audience.
Life just kind of empties out
Less a deluge than a drought
Less a giant mushroom cloud
Than an unexploded shell
Inside a cell
Of the Lennox Hotel
— Aimee Mann, Little Bombs
Go Solo as a Fulltime Rails Developer, by Geoffrey Grosenbach. “Now that you have the basic skills required, it’s time to promote yourself. Write a useful library or plugin. Find a niche, do something unique, fill a need.”
El Circo Loco, “Two weeks ago El Circo Loco was found dead on the sidewalk a block from my apartment. It was saddening and shocking. He seemed unstoppable.” Sad, even if I never had heard of him.
Expressionism, or how Scheme is still cooler than C# 3.0.