Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Ten video sharing services compared, YouTube wins for viewership.
Pushing Illustrator and Photoshop to its limit, WJW.
Pick’s theorem, explained by Mark Dominus.
Mark Pilgrim blogs again.
History of the alphabet at Wikipedia.
Windows: The New Classic, John Gruber analyzes Boot Camp.
Oh, the alcoholic afternoons
When we sat in your room
They meant more to me
Than any, than any living thing on earth
— The Smiths, These Things Take Time
Newer Orleans at inhabitat. “We came across a drawing of one schoolkid. She drew this hill with people walking up to the top in the rain.”
Funny Bunny, must see yourself.
The Ser-Venn-Ity Prayer, …”and the wisdom to understand Venn diagrams.”
The Minority Game, writing bots for this could be a nice Ruby Quiz.
ShÖes, wie metrosexuell über Schuhe zu bloggen. ;-)
Past the Pub who saps your body
And the church who’ll snatch your money
The Queen is dead, boys
And it’s so lonely on a limb
— The Smiths, The Queen Is Dead
A small FS in DATA and a pure Ruby compiler (in the classical sense), by Mauricio Fernandez. Reminds me of StarKit.
Unroff is a Scheme-based, programmable, extensible troff translator with a back-end for the Hypertext Markup Language.
DITA 2006, Norman Walsh’s impessions and speech transcript.
In praise of … Brunel, “What magic might he have worked had he lived into the age of electricity and aviation?”
Ode to a hackers wife, Original poetry by Alex Combas.