Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Man Hits His Own Car Then Sues Himself, WJW.
Intervals, Interval arithmetic in Ruby. Besides making obvious a possible loss of precision during floating point calculations, interval arithmetic provides not-so-conventional methods for a variety of computational applications. Nifty.
The 30-year-old California inmate may be the scariest looking criminal TSG has ever seen. Milam, who wears “Aryan” and “Honor” tattoos above his eyebrows and a swastika tat on his neck, was charged yesterday in a methamphetamine case…
Idle Hands, “I spent several hours making an enormous taco mural out of Post-It notes.” Love it!
Ruby Cheatsheet v.1, has potential.
Prefuse supports a rich set of features for data modeling, visualization, and interaction. It provides optimized data structures for tables, graphs, and trees, a host of layout and visual encoding techniques, and support for animation, dynamic queries, integrated search, and database connectivity.
I will come for you at nighttime
I will raise you from your sleep
I will kiss you in four places
As I go running along your street
— Hunters & Collectors, Throw Your Arms Around Me
The Hall of Stupid High-Tech Products, mainly computer-related.
Knowledge is Freedom: How to Abort without a Doctor or Nurse involved, by circletimessquare. Don’t try this at home, kids. And kudos to you if you can read that without getting sick.
Dokumentation über das Spicken, lernt was bei YouTube.
The speech accent archive uniformly presents a large set of speech samples from a variety of language backgrounds. Native and non-native speakers of English read the same paragraph and are carefully transcribed. The archive is used by people who wish to compare and analyze the accents of different English speakers.
Keep It Simple, by Patrick Logan. How can people go nuts about a webservice to access a hash?
LASST MICH ARZT, ICH BIN DURCH!!!!!111!1111!!11111111, David macht Kunst.
I knew a girl
Her name was truth
She was a horrible liar.
— Ben Harper, Diamonds On The Inside
The smallest C program to print the biggest prime number, by Fabrice Bellard. Very cool.
Shuffle is a tool for manipulating source fragments. Can be used for literate programming.