Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Integration Testing in Rails 1.1, by Jamis Buck.
Dynamic Programming, the following is an example of global sequence alignment using Needleman/Wunsch techniques. Code this in your favourite language.
Haskell vs. OCaml–which do you prefer?, Christopher Roach asks. Definitely Haskell for me.
A history of Zero, back then, when nothing was new.
Paul Graham blogs at infogami.com.
Standards and specs: Not by UNIX alone, a maze of twisty little standards, all alike. By Peter Seebach.
A tale of two PMCs, you now can use Perl6 in your Perl5 projects.
Do you hear the people sing?
Say, do you hear the distant drums?
It is the future that they bring—
When tomorrow comes…
— Les Misérables
does proper word-wise movement
for studlyCapsIdentifiers, and works outside of c-mode
, too.From the Orthley Set, _why just rocks.
ETech: Wrap up, by Robert Kaye.
Implementing the darcs patch formalism …and verifying it, David Roundry’s FOSDEM 2006 talk.
Started the darcs backend for dvc, that’s a great step towards a single version control interface for Emacs.
Using Capistrano with Perl (or PHP), well, if you have too…
Künstler sind nicht überflüssig
Aber Bäcker sind viel wichtiger
Sie backen das Brot schön knusprig
Und sie stehen schon ganz früh auf.
Ohne sie wär das Frühstück eine Katastrophe
Wir müßten die Marmelade mit dem Löffel essen
Und die Wurst pur.
— Funny van Dannen, Künstler sind nicht überflüssig
Hate website fine a first, a Human Rights ruling says Internet servers are as liable as their clients for hate material. Aaaargh.
Thoms Fassung von Framstags freundlichem Folterfragebogen, Dieser Brief eignet sich gleichermaßen im Einsatz gegen unverlangt zugesendete Werbung per Briefpost und per Email.