Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
GCC 4.1 has been released.
Mikhail Gorbachev, happy birthday!
MacBook Pro review, by Jacqui Cheng on ArsTechnica.
All die Sterne bleiben oben
In mir bleibt nur deine Spur
Hab ich dich jemals belogen
Frag ich leise und du lächelst nur
— Juli, Wenn du lachst
Ruby on Rails Podcast, featuring Jim Weirich.
A Cautionary Tale for Would-Be Generalisers, Borwein Integrals are evil. (I love math blogs. More of them!)
OPML 2.0, a first draft of the specification. (It still sucks.)
The Getting Real book is here. It’s PDF only, 171 pages, and it’s $19. By 37signals.
ObjectView is a free PDF magazine and the current issue is “chock-full-o-Ruby goodness”, as PragDave says.
A Tail-Recursive Machine with Stack Inspection, by John Clements and Matthias Felleisen. On LtU.
Seattle Movie Finder: An AJAX- and REST-Powered Virtual Earth Mashup, by Dare Obasanjo.
Visualizing Regular Expressions, Oliver Steele wrote a cool regular expression animator. Cool use of OpenLazlo. (I didn’t even know he had a blog, subscribed.)
TimeSummer is a simple timekeeping application. It was written to make our life as a single remote cowboy programmer easier. Written using Ruby on Rails.
Book Review: Math You Can’t Use, reviewed by Peter H. Salus. “The roots of Math You Can’t Use lie in the theorems, lemmas, algorithms, propositions that one can’t use because someone has previously employed them and has now asserted ownership over them.” Shame.
Meroon is an Object-Oriented System written in Scheme.
Alles was dir soviel wert war
liegt am Boden ist zerstört
du willst jetzt einfach nur noch raus hier
es gibt nichts mehr was dich hält
— Juli, Kurz vor der Sonne
Travel and the Dearth of Geographical Education in America, they have geographical education? ;-)
Variables and threads, Dan Sugalski’s new VM sounds really nifty: “Interestingly, this also means that the engine’s pretty inherently SSA, which makes a number of bytecode optimizations possible that weren’t with parrot, because parrot had such a massive number of potential side-effects.”
Fun with Spotlight, datamine the Enron mails with Spotlight!
Welcome to RubyConf 2006, The Conference will be held in the Denver, Colorado area, October 20-22, 2006.
Thoughtfiz is Phil Tomson’s idea blog, where he currently explains the design of his Ruby DSL for VHDL.
Große Haufen, ein Kult-Thread im HaustechnikDialog-Forum. PNSFW, Fäkalhumor.