Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Thinking Forth is a book about the philosophy of problem solving and programming style, applied to the unique programming language Forth. Available as PDF.
Getting on a running train, Bob Hutchison comments on my Rails experiences and recommends using xampl. Which is a very interesting idea, actually; gotta check that out.
Why Comic Sans?, “Comic Sans was designed because when I was working at Microsoft I received a beta version of Microsoft Bob.”, “There was no intention to include the font in other applications other than those designed for children when I designed Comic Sans.”
Xyzzy, Iraqi Invasion: A Text Misadventure, simply rocks.
An old black tree, scratching up the sky
with boney, claw like fingers
A rusty black rake
Digging up the turnips of a muddy cold grey sky
— Tom Waits, Don’t Go Into That Barn
Pastry is a generic, scalable and efficient substrate for peer-to-peer applications. Pastry nodes form a decentralized, self-organizing and fault-tolerant overlay network within the Internet.
A Monadic Framework for Subcontinuations by R. Kent Dybvig, Simon Peyton Jones and Amr Sabry.
Gecode is an open, free, portable, accessible, and efficient environment for developing constraint-based systems and applications.
VBECL probably is the most mongrel language combination I ever saw: Visual Basic and Common Lisp.
No Open-source Lisp for OSX/Intel, Bill Bradford says. I wonder if Emacs.app already is ported?
It’s such a sad old feeling
the fields are soft and green
it’s memories that I’m stealing
but you’re innocent when you dream
when you dream
you’re innocent when you dream
— Tom Waits, Innocent When You Dream
Radius—Powerful Tag-Based Templates, sounds like a nice Ruby templating engine that doesn’t require code in templates.
Rails on Track for 2006, James Britt says.
Semantic Distance: NLP Not a Resource Sink, I still won’t buy that. NLP is no reason to use proper logic. ;-)