Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Using /usr/local by Den Benjamin. Scary people need to be told about that.
The Apple of Her Eye, just cute.

The Open Rights Group, Protecting your rights in the digital age.
I met a young child beside a dead pony,
I met a white man who walked a black dog,
I met a young woman whose body was burning,
I met a young girl, she gave me a rainbow…
— Bob Dylan, A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall
Periodic OS X maintenance, Ugo Cei has a good hint. I always forget to run periodic periodically.
Pattern matching over Ruby objects, and Mauricio Fernandez’s previous posts make sense.
“Schlechte Stimmung, lange Röcke”, Interview mit Technology Review: “Professor Casti, in Ihrem demnächst erscheinenden Buch behaupten Sie, die Zukunft vorhersagen zu können.”
If you ever see me in the debugger, whack me up upside the head and tell me to write a test. — Ron Jeffries
Noughts And Crosses, the oldest graphical computer game.
Days of the New Flesh: My Experience as a Model by oceanbourne. Very insightful.
Barriers to a protocol indicating what file formats are supported by Andy Oram. Coming with the open standard late is always difficult.
More Lisp—For Free, Christopher Roach shows even more resources.
He gambled in the White House and in the railroad yards,
Wherever there was people, there was Willie and his cards.
— Bob Dylan, Rambling, Gambling Willie
Forensic CDs were reviewed by Kristy Westphal for UnixReview.
Networking’s Easier than Programmers Realize by Cameron Laird and Kathryn Soraiz. You’re likely to run into the 7 fallacies if you read that article without reflection.
Can Microsoft kill Python?, Jeremy Jones wonders. Quick, please. }:-)
TiVo Developing Ad Search, Sid Steward says. WTF would anyone want to see ads when he has a TiVo?
Secrets of Successful Programming Language Business by hisashim. I don’t agree with everything.
Soma, Avi Bryant wonders who needs an office if you can have a café.
205,000 Lines of Ruby Code Donated in the Try Ruby Drive, and why got some funny stuff people type in there. Later on, trouble starts.
Beyond Einstein, a 12-hour live webcast on Einstein’s Theory of Relativity… and beyond. Taking place tomorrow!