Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
AspectBrowser for Eclipse, “Following the lead of the Unix grep tool, AspectBrowser for Eclipse allows users to visualize programs in a Seesoft-like view by searching for regular expressions and displaying the results graphically.” Nifty idea.
Announcing the York Haskell Compiler, a Haskell 98 compiler with roots in nhc98.

“Sieht man die Welt heute, dann bleibt nur Wut”, Die neoliberale Globalisierung schafft Wohlstandsinseln und grenzt die Mehrheit aus. Der Trend spiegelt sich auch in den Großstädten wider. Ein Gespräch mit Manu Chao.
Bomba Atomika
Bomba Politika
Bomba Economia… sera culpa ti
nadie se va salvar!
— Manu Chao, Machine Gun
The Description Of Finite Sequential Processes by Kenneth E. Iverson, 1960. This post is dedicated to mfp.
Ken Iverson, Quotations and Anecdotes compiled and edited by Roger Hui. What the inventor of APL said.
Using Software RAID-1 with FreeBSD by Dru Lavigne. “Perhaps you’ve wanted your workstation to take advantage of the redundancy provided by a disk mirror without investing in a hardware RAID controller.”
Processing XML with Xerces and SAX by Ethan McCallum. A pull API would be nice too.
Understand Encodings in XML? This true case is a good test…, Rick Jelliffe. I almost had the solution.
Weihnachtsbaum, andersrum, .hcafnie nam thcuarb neD
Well, the sword swallower, he comes up to you
And then he kneels
He crosses himself
And then he clicks his high heels
And without further notice
He asks you how it feels
And he says, “Here is your throat back
Thanks for the loan”
— Bob Dylan, Ballad Of A Thin Man
FAQ #126 about Dabble invites: “The first set of invites went out earlier this week, and another batch is going out tonight.”
Mind-Body Hacks by John Adams. Tin-foil hacks.
Who Do You Blame for Unmaintainable Code? by chromatic. The programmers, of course. “Blame it on the language they used if you want – but expect few improvements from switching to another language, platform, library, or toolset.”