
Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)



‘Cause the road is long, it’s a long hard climb
I been on that road too long of a time
Yes the road is long, and it winds and winds
When I think of the love that I left behind.
— Bob Dylan, Coming From The Heart (The Road Is Long)

ThoughtInteresting tags Anarchaia is tagged with: tumblelog, interestingblogs, blogy, design, news, science, ajax, nicelookingwebsite, dotnet, rails, interesting, one_to_watch, cool, ‘blog, metablog, obstsalat, hack. Best comments: “one weird ass blog”, “fixed styling done workably”.
16:33 <dragonkh> totte is like hot chicks in the UK
16:33 <dragonkh> toty
16:33 <dragonkh> so you sound like a porn star - king toty !
16:33 <KTottE> I'm not hot (except temperature) and I'm not a chick.
16:33 <KTottE> But if it makes you feel better, go ahead and use your fantasy..

But Smalltalk kind of makes up with one nice aesthetical feature: it doesn’t look like a bastard child of C! ;) — Christophe Grandsire

There’s a battle outside
And it is ragin’.
It’ll soon shake your windows
And rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin’.
— Bob Dylan, The Times They Are A-Changin’
