Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Monads in Ruby, Part 1: Introduction by MenTaLguY.
Wake up, Europe, you’ve a war on your hands by Mark Steyn Sun-Times Columnist.
Anti-Google-ites get downright silly, I have nothing to add.
PowerBook to gain iSight, iBook to go widescreen in 2006, AppleInsider claims. A 13"-iBook doesn’t sounds bad.
Where choice begins, Paradise ends. — Arthur Miller
Scannerless Parsers and Compile-Time Evaluation by Dan Knapp. This time, Tomita’s GLR Algorithm in Lisp.
nothing else matters, Lydia philosophiert.
Enhanced xmp code evaluation and annotation by Mauricio Fernandez. For reference, my idea, codified by mfp.
10 Issues Facing Web 2.0 Today, a list by Dion Hinchcliffe. Lovely. “8. Blogging Instead of Doing.”
Q. How many wiki people does it take to change a lightbulb?
A. One, but anyone can change it back. — Sunir Shah, Pragmatic Standardization
Take the AQ Test, my AQ (Autism-Spectrum Quotient) is 17. *puh* ;-)
Programming Language Names discussion on LtU. Conclusion: make it googleable.
Sheared urban symmetries, at BLDGBLOG. WJW. Checkout the other posts too.
cl-xmpp is a Lisp implementation of the Jabber protocol the open standard for instant messaging. Nice.
And I have a dream of a new American language
One with a little bit more Spanish
I have a dream of a new pop music
That tells the truth with a good beat and some nice harmony
— Dan Bern, New American Language
A Rock Lee moment by Joi Ito. These notebook stickers just have to be good for something.