Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Enterprise Integration with Ruby goes Beta, PragDave says.

Changes in Ruby 1.9, Mauricio scanned over 25000 lines of Changelogs to extract the changes between the stable branch and HEAD. Great job!
Everything I Know, the historic 42-hour session with Bucky. (Buckminster Fuller) Loads of stuff.
Standing next to me in this lonely crowd,
Is a man who swears he’s not to blame.
All day long I hear him shout so loud,
Crying out that he was framed.
— Bob Dylan,I Shall Be Released
Yahoo! Maps Web Services: Simple API Getting Started Guide, “With the Yahoo! Maps Simple API, you have a very easy way to display your geographical content, build a store locator, plan a pub crawl, or create custom routes.”
Message threading by Jamie Zawinski: “I describe what is, in my humble but correct opinion, the best known algorithm for threading messages.”
Zim is a WYSIWYG text editor written in Gtk2-Perl. It aims at bringing the concept of a wiki to your desktop.
Why have you used the font Gill? Gill sodomised his daughter and I don’t think we should be associating ourselves with that sort of thing. — Client Quote 314
Paparazzi! is a small utility for Mac OSX that makes screenshots of webpages.
Gonorrhea Lectim, a new disease (via RMS).
The Sounds of Selenium Testing Your Weblickation, check out the filk in the comments!
Of a million tear-stained eyes
Don’t be surprised when a crack in the ice
Appears under your feet.
You slip out of your depth and out of your mind
With your fear flowing out behind you
As you claw the thin ice.
— Pink Floyd, The Thin Ice
require ‘thin_ice’ on RedHanded. “Danger. Danger. Danger. urirequire has been released. If you use this, the government will call you into their office.”
What is they all stop? Musings on vulnerability research by Anton Chuvakin.
World Usability Day, today is the first World Usability Day, so designated by the Usability Professionals Association. Guess what all the other days have been?
Ruby, Python, Perl.
For me, Ruby easiest.
But I like Forth too.
— Jabari Zakiya
Donut Line Method of Standarization by Rick Jelliffe. Great punch-line.
In deepest space, the earth really mustn’t move for you, Robin McKie about pregnacy in the spaceship.
lispjobs.com now features Atom 1.0 (nice use of XSLT, btw.).
REST on Rails by Matt Biddulph. Looks very easy.
XFN Delusions of Grandeur, Jennifer Golbeck doesn’t like using URLs of webpages for people.
Windows Live—Nothing new for Mac users, by Chris Bauman. “I guess for Windows folks, this is rather amazing stuff. They just don’t know what they have been missing.”
Remake/Remodel, MacDara Conroy now blogs in a tumblin’ style.