Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
San Francisco in Jell-O by Elizabeth Hickok. Wow.
Learning Haskell, autrijus has his Euro OSCON slides online. Great.
MIT team seeks to recreate Archimedes fabled death ray in SF, failing: “A good story is a good story even if it isn’t true.”
Money’s just a piece of paper,
gold is blinding don’t you see,
Fame is just our own illusion
of what life was meant to be
But I don’t need a perfect mirror,
I don’t care for queens and kings
We are free and we are perfect
when Lady Stardust sings
— Lisa Miskovsky, Lady Stardust
Optimal Sleep, I could never sleep only two hours a day!
MogileFS is Danga’s open source distributed filesystem.
Early Easter Eggs at Microsoft. Also explains what RECOVER is good for.
GNU Conjure is a build tool in the spirit of the well known Make program. Uses Scheme.
Monads in Perl, you gotta love that.
Young Singers Spread Racist Hate, Duo Considered the Olsen Twins of the White Nationalist Movement.
Rip and Goodbye, Todd Dominey is going to completely digitalize his music collection.
Wikke is a 3 line 206 character Wiki Clone in PHP, JavaScript, and Bash. WJW.
Planet Scheme is a feed agregator for various Scheme-related blogs. Nifty logo. ;-)
Are you a “sinner” if you reject the premise of the argument?, I’m probably a Lincolnist too.
Ja, ich bin ein Verbrecher. Mein Verbrechen ist Neugier. Mein Verbrechen ist, daß ich die Menschen nicht nach ihrem Aussehen beurteile, sondern nach dem was sie sagen. Mein Verbrechen liegt darin, daß ich mich Euch entziehe, etwas das ihr mir nie verzeihen werdet. — The Mentor, Hackermanifest
S.C.U.M. Manifesto by Valerie Solanas. (Society for Cutting Up Men)
Invisible Pink Unicorn and the Purple Oyster of Doom on Wikipedia.
Atmosphärenklänge, ein Aufsatz von Klaus Betke bei nensch.de.
Ruby Continues to Impress, Bob Hutchison discovers irb+xmp.
Oh, sister, when I come to knock on your door,
Don’t turn away, you’ll create sorrow.
Time is an ocean but it ends at the shore
You may not see me tomorrow.
— Bob Dylan, Oh Sister
Lispjobs.com is a nicely edited list of Lisp-relevant job postings. (And the site would be a good example for my typed wiki idea.)
My 2 Cents on the Zend PHP Framework by Marcus Whitney. “Taking PHP to the level of adoption that Java has achieved is a serious undertaking.” And hopefully unsuccessful. :-)
Gamer Subversion: a study of media violence and its effects by K1DA. “…it is difficult to prove any causality or direct effects between media violence and aggressive behavior and violence in people.”