Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
All those opcodes, Dan Sugalski seems to have reasons for them. I strongly disagree. Thrill, for example, has an convenient callback mechanism for interfacing with libraries; there is no need to have stuff like factorial in the VM, it just makes alternative implementations harder.
Der tanzende Affe und der schwimmende Pinguin, lesen!
A Short Ballad Dedicated To The Growth Of Programs by Ashwin Ram. Timeless classic.
planetplanet.de eröffnet, super Idee, Lars!
Matheklausur vorab im Internet, schön!
cwm, a lightweight, efficient and aesthetic window manager for X11. Sounds interesting, small and keyboard controllable.
The 2005 UCSB International Capture The Flag is a distributed, wide-area security exercise, whose goal is to test the security skills of the participants from both the attack and defense viewpoints.

Microsoft bans ‘democracy’ for China web users, MSN(!) says.
Hey baby, you better come here quick.
This old cocaine is making me sick.
Cocaine all around my brain.
— Bob Dylan, Cocaine Blues
The Underhanded C Contest, “The challenge for the first UCC is to write a simple program that performs some basic image-processing operation, for example smoothing or resampling, but manages to conceal a unique imperceptible fingerprint in each image it opens.”
Editor: Myself, a weblog on Iran, technology and pop culture, by Hossein Derakhshan.
Closing in on Unicode with Jcode, on (the lack of proper) Unicode support in Ruby.