Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Ontology is Overrated: Categories, Links, and Tags by Clay Shirky.
Kazakhstan’s Spaceship Junkyard, what happens to the booster stages of Russian rockets?
The Eighth Annual ICFP Programming Contest is coming up. As before, they’ll announce a problem and give you three days to solve it. Two weeks later, they’ll announce a change to the problem specification and give you one day to adapt your program to the new spec. Read life.
The rand() blog, is this the logical next step after Anarchaia? :-)
Franzosen sagen nein, der Schockwellenreiter kommentiert wunderbar.
Inside Google News, Joi Ito explains.
2005 Risks In Global Filmmaking Map. You better know before.
As you sit there in the shade
And reflect on the choices that I have made
Just remember what I’ve done
Has been done in the glare of a blinding sun
— Dan Bern, Suzanne
Sildenafil verursacht keine nichtarteriitische anteriore ischämische Optikusneuropathie. Gut zu wissen.
Higher-Order JavaScript, some notes on how Mark Jason Dominus’s brilliant book Higher-Order Perl’s ideas apply to JavaScript.
SBook5 is an extremely fast, AI-based personal information manager.