Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Ichthux is a Christian Linux Distribution based on Debian GNU/Linux.
ALICE Plays Turing’s Original Imitation Game.
Germany in a US point of view at Google Maps. :-)
Google Maps UK, now add a satellite view, and Germany. :-)
Schwingende Fenster: Neue Optik für Linux & Co. Golem on X11.
Mac Mini Eye for the Linux-Windows Guy.
Semantic Streams, a Framework for Declarative Queries and Automatic Data Interpretation.
jhc is a haskell compiler which aims to produce the most efficient programs possible via whole program analysis and other optimizations.
Violence of the electronic kind. Don’t use your username as password. And use a different password for mail. *triple-doh*
Contextual ads can be harmful, Harold Davis thinks. He’s right, IMO.
Mister Softee in His Big Blue Period, “Microsoft is the IBM of today - a fat, rich, and sluggish organization.”