Talks by Leah Neukirchen

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Alte Paper lesbar machen mit pkfix by Leah Neukirchen September 07, 2024

Talk in German on the tool pkfix to convert bitmap fonts in PostScript files to Type 1 equivalents. Presented at BayTeX 2024 in Neu-Ulm.

Aus meinem Werkzeugkasten: xe by Leah Neukirchen May 18, 2024

Lightning talk in German presenting my tool xe to run programs for each input line. Presented at ASM24 in Munich.

Aus meinem Werkzeugkasten: extrace by Leah Neukirchen March 31, 2024

Lightning talk in German presenting my tool extrace to trace exec() calls system-wide. Presented at Easterhegg 21 in Regensburg.

nitro: yet another init system by Leah Neukirchen February 10, 2024

Lightning talk presenting a new init system in the family of daemontools. Presented at Nerdnight 13, Augsburg.

ConTeXt und LMTX – (wozu) will man das? by Leah Neukirchen July 28, 2023

German slides for a talk at the Bayrischer TeX-Stammtisch (BayTeX) 2023 about the ConTeXt typesetting system.

Gleam: type-safe programming on the BEAM by Leah Neukirchen May 27, 2023

A workshop and tutorial on using Gleam, a new language for the Erlang runtime. Presented at Aktiv Symposium München '23.

BQN - Eine moderne Array-Programmiersprache by Leah Neukirchen June 04, 2022

Lightning talk in German on the array programming language BQN. Presented at Aktiv Symposium München '22.

Computer Graphics on the PDP-1 by Leah Neukirchen July 07, 2021

Short talk on the PDP-1 and "Munching Squares". Presented at blinry's birthday barcamp 2021.

Maintaining a Linux Distribution by Leah Neukirchen November 17, 2020

Most Linux distributions are built and maintained by volunteers. How are such projects organized and what are people really doing there? What motivates people to contribute to a distribution? Taking the example of the Void Linux distribution, of which I’ve been a maintainer of for over 6 years, I will try to give an insight into the daily doings of a distribution maintainer and share a few lessions I learned. Subsequently, I will try to answer the questions you have on this topic. Invited talk at the TUM Practical Course "Contributing to an Open-Source Project"

Borg Backup by Leah Neukirchen, Tristan Helmich May 16, 2017

An introduction to the Borg backup system, presented at DevOps Munich meetup.

Certification for µ-Calculus with Winning Strategies by Martin Hofmann, Christian Neukirchen, Harald Rueß April 08, 2016

Conference talk at SPIN 2016. "We define memory-efficient certificates for µ-calculus model checking problems based on the well-known correspondence between µ-calculus model checking and winning certain parity games. Winning strategies can be independently checked, in low polynomial time, by observing that there is no reachable strongly connected component in the graph of the parity game whose largest priority is odd. Winning strategies are computed by fixpoint iteration following the naive semantics of µ-calculus. We instrument the usual fixpoint iteration of µ-calculus model checking so that it produces evidence in the form of a winning strategy; for a formula φ with fixed alternation depth, these winning strategies can be computed in polynomial time in |S| and in space O(|S|²|φ|²), where |S| is the size of the state space and |φ| the length of the formula φ. On the technical level our work yields a new, simpler, and immediate constructive proof of the correspondence between µ-calculus and parity games. A prototypical implementation of a µ-calculus model checker generating these certificates has been developed."

Computation of winning strategies for µ-calculus by fixpoint iteration by Christian Neukirchen November 11, 2014

My master thesis. "We present an implementation of a model checker for µ-calculus that certifies its result as a winning strategy for a corresponding parity game. The winning strategy is computed by means of a fixpoint iteration, similar to the well-known set semantics of µ-calculus, and can be regarded as a instrumentation thereof. The computed certificates are compact and can be checked efficiently in low polynomial time by a separate routine."

Elscreen by Christian Neukirchen March 24, 2014

A lightning talk on elscreen, a screen manager for Emacs. Presented at "Learn yourself Emacs for Great Good" of Munich Lambda.

runit and ignite: a suckless init system? by Christian Neukirchen June 22, 2013

an exposition of my init system for Arch Linux, ignite. Presented at the suckless conference slcon 2013.

Gitting started (again) by Christian Neukirchen December 15, 2011

Revised and simplified version of Gitting started.

The Concept of Set in Constructive Analysis by Christian Neukirchen October 09, 2011

My bachelor thesis. "This thesis consists of five parts: first, we look at set theory and the lack thereof in Minlog's typed calculus; second, we research the different kinds of sets and their uses in Bishop/Bridges Constructive Analysis; third, we formally prove some theorems, focussing about finite sets; fourth, we consider how measure theory can be formulated in a constructive setting; fifth, we conclude our work."

An Invitation to Emacs by Christian Neukirchen July 12, 2011

Material for a presentation on Emacs.
It is not a tutorial, but the idea is that you will want to learn Emacs afterwards.

Gitting started by Christian Neukirchen November 05, 2010

German introductionary talk/workshop on Git.

Realisierbarkeit by Christian Neukirchen May 12, 2010

German seminar talk on realizability for Prof. Schwichtenberg's seminar on proof theory.

Simplicity in Code by Christian Neukirchen September 27, 2009

What makes code simple, why we should strive for simple code and how we can write it, interspersed with insightful quotes. Talk given at the Central European Ruby Camp (Curucamp) 2009.

Was ist Rack? by Christian Neukirchen April 02, 2009

Introductory talk given in German at the Munich Rails User Group on their April meeting about what Rack is, how everyone can benefit and who already supports and implements it.

Introducing Rack by Christian Neukirchen November 09, 2007

Developing general web frameworks and frameworkless web applications is difficult because lots of different ways to connect to web servers need to be implemented. Since Ruby is popular for writing web applications, we try to address this problem by proposing a lightweight abstraction mapping HTTP requests onto a simple Ruby API. This makes it possible to combine all kinds of web servers with different web applications without further change. Furthermore, our solution enables new functionality by combining and composing web applications, as well as better testability. Talk given at the European Ruby Conference (Euruko) 2007.

Chemische Evolution by Christian Neukirchen February 28, 2007

A presentation about chemical evolution in German for school. After an introductory question about the beginning of life, the stepwise gain of complexity in organic molecules is analyzed. The ferrite-sulphur world is used as an example of how energy can steadily be available, then the RNA world introduces the concept of auto-catalysis. Microspheres and fatty acids are considered as the first cell membranes. After presenting the Eigen-hypercycle, an outlook at the beginnings of biological evolution encourage further discussion. Includes slides for a 40 minute presentation and an illustrated three page handout.

Sublanguages: Encoding programming paradigms in Ruby by Christian Neukirchen November 05, 2006

A presentation about expressing different programming paradigms in Ruby (prototyped-based object-orientation, Erlang-style concurrency, logic programming) with code examples and an overview of the techniques used. Every sublanguage is assessed on what's good, what's bad and what needs to be done better. Talk given at the European Ruby Conference (Euruko) 2006.

Pestizide und ihre negativen Auswirkungen — natur- und gesellschaftswissenschaftlich betrachtet by Svenja Schlachter, Christian Neukirchen, Dominic Jehle July 13, 2006

The main part of this seminar paper is a 86 page report about pesticides and their bad ramifications, seen from a social and scientific point of view. Also includes slides for a 30 minute presentation, the timesheet we had to keep during the seminar and full LaTeX sources.

Medizinische Wirkstoffe by Christian Neukirchen July 12, 2006

A presentation about medical active agents in German for school. After a general introduction and a short history of medicine, Valerian and acetylsalicylic acid are given a closer look. Includes additional material for a 40 minute presentation and a two page handout.

Taylor-Reihen by Christian Neukirchen June 19, 2006

A very basic set of slides about Taylor series in German for school. Features approximation of sin and e. Includes additional material for a 35 minute presentation, and a 5 page handout with diagrams.

Dynamic Scope and Context-oriented Programming by Christian Neukirchen October 15, 2005

A presentation of dynamic scoping and context-oriented programming and explanation of how it can be implemented using method slices. As a bonus, a primitive library for selector namespaces is presented. Talk given at the European Ruby Conference (Euruko) 2005.

Das Bayes-Theorem by Christian Neukirchen June 30, 2005

A presentation about Bayes' Theorem in German for school. Bayesian spam-filters are used as an example application. Includes additional material for a 45 minute presentation.

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