Curry On! Rome 2016, videos are up.
Illumos Crypto Port module added to enable native encryption in ZFS, and there was much rejoicing.
A Wait-Free Stack (2015), by Seep Goel, Pooja Aggarwal, Smruti R. Sarangi.
An Introduction to Logical Relations: Proving Program Properties Using Logical Relations (PDF), by Lau Skorstengaard.
Rigorous Benchmarking in Reasonable Time (2013), by Tomas Kalibera and Richard Jones. “Currently, many evaluations give up on sufficient repetition or rigorous statistical methods, or even run benchmarks only in training sizes. The results reported often lack proper variation estimates and, when a small difference between two systems is reported, some are simply unreliable.”
Statistically Rigorous Java Performance Evaluation (PDF), by Andy Georges, Dries Buytaert, and Lieven Eeckhout. “This paper shows that prevalent methodologies can be misleading, and can even lead to incorrect conclusions. The reason is that the data analysis is not statistically rigorous.”
Notes on notation and thought, by Katherine Q. Ye.
How has BitKeeper changed since it was used for the Linux kernel, good summary by Wayne Scott.
50 Shades of System Calls with sysdig.
Code behaving differently in C90, C99, C11, C++98, and C++11, fun!