Chelsea Manning confirms health status with attorneys
Du, laß dich nicht verhärten
in dieser harten Zeit.
Die allzu hart sind, brechen,
die allzu spitz sind, stechen
und brechen ab sogleich.
— Wolf Biermann, Ermutigung (1968)
Remembering Roger Faulkner, UNIX Legend
A Queer History of Computing (2013), by Jacob Gaboury. Recommended.
The UCSD P-System Museum, featuring the code for the P2 pascal compiler. See also P4, P5.
How do you compute the midpoint of an interval? (PDF), by Frédéric Goualard. Just in case you thought anything was easy.
MLton with Realtime GC and Threading features, and aarch64 support (via C or LLVM only).
A new ggplot is here, I didn’t know about python-ggplot at all!
Kalman and Bayesian Filters in Python, an interactive book by Roger Labbe.
The Megaprocessor is a micro-processor built large. Very large.
Gallery of Interesting Music Notation, by Donald Byrd.