INTERNETARCHIVE.BAK, “Therefore, it is time for Archive Team to launch its most audacious project yet: Backing up the Internet Archive.”
Attack of the week: FREAK (or ‘factoring the NSA for fun and profit’), best part: “factor a bunch of 512-bit keys – each in about 7.5 hours for $104 in EC2 time”.
Sixteen Years, mathowie retires from MetaFilter.
Beyond the PDP-11: Architectural support for a memory-safe C abstract machine (PDF), by David Chisnall, Colin Rothwell, Robert N. M. Watson, Jonathan Woodruff, Munraj Vadera, Simon W. Moore, Michael Roe, Brooks Davis, and Peter G. Neumann.
Simple Hierarchical Notebook, a ncurses program.
Quantity Queries for CSS, by Heydon Pickering. Fun stuff.
numpy.einsum, interesting API.
Catena is a storage engine for time series, written in Go.