Proving that Android’s, Java’s and Python’s sorting algorithm is broken (and showing how to fix it), nice.
SCALE13x: Linux Profiling at Netflix, lots of good stuff by Brendan Gregg.
A Twelf Introduction, by Danny Gratzer.
Secure PRNG Seeding on Commercial Off-the-Shelf Microcontrollers, by Anthony Van Herrewege, Vincent van der Leest, André Schaller, Stefan Katzenbeisser, and Ingrid Verbauwhede.
Enumerating DNSSEC NSEC and NSEC3 Records, by Javantea.
Paratrace is a tool which looks for a suitable and established connection to the target host, it then manipulates the packets in that connection in order to perform some traceroute functionality.
chemfig, draw molecules in LaTeX with easy syntax. Wish I had that back in school.
CSRG SCCS converted to git, Unix history 1979–1995.