Exploiting the DRAM rowhammer bug to gain kernel privileges, there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Number of legal 18x18 Go positions has been computed.
parsyncfp, a parallel rsync wrapper for large data transfers.
Push-forth: a Light-weight, Strongly-typed, Stack-based Genetic Programming Language (PDF), by Maarten Keijzer.
OpenBSD @ AsiaBSDCon, quite interesting material was presented there.
fulltrace, a complete ftrace- and uprobes-based tracer (user, libraries, kernel) for GNU/Linux.
Core_profiler is a OCaml library that helps you profile programs and estimate various costs.
Boiling React Down to a Few Lines in jQuery, found this quite helpful.
The End of Synthesis, “It’s a universal catch-and-release for organic intermediates.”
A Richter scale for outages, proposed by Matt Webb.