Joey Hess leaves Debian, also see GR vs consensus (from 2006).
Batch NFS (PDF), by Daniel J. Bernstein and Tanja Lange. They’re gonna factor all DNSSEC keys at once!
Inferring Algebraic Effects, by Matija Pretnar. “We present a complete polymorphic effect inference algorithm for an ML-style language with handlers of not only exceptions, but of any other algebraic effect such as input & output, mutable references and many others.”
How I Reverse Engineered Google Docs To Play Back Any Document’s Keystrokes, by James Somers. Amazing.
How I created two images with the same MD5 hash, by Nat McHugh. At a cost of $0.65 on AWS… ouch.
GnuPG 2.1 has been released, with support for Curve 25519.
Mopher, a firewall like mail filter.
CC500, a tiny self-hosting C compiler.
SSHelper, finally OpenSSH 6.6 and rsync 3.0.9 for Android. Free,
and it just works out of the box! Thank you, Paul Lutus!
(Hint: for rsync as root, use
rsync -e 'ssh -p 2222' --rsync-path='su -c rsync' root@IP:...
vim-notebook, a plugin for Vim for handling any interpreter in a notebook with evaluatable cells style.
PassiveDNS sniffs traffic from an interface or reads a pcap-file and outputs the DNS-server answers to a log file.
Spontaneous creation of the universe from nothing, by Dongshan He, Dongfeng Gao, and Qing-yu Cai.
The fact of Georg C., in short words.
schmutz, thoughts o̒f dirt sp̒ill over to̒ your unicode enabled ̇tex̒t.̣