RowHammer is a new type of memory failure that is found only in recent generations of DRAM chips. Just by reading from the same address >100K times, it is possible to corrupt data in nearby addresses. More technically, repeated “activations” to the same DRAM row corrupts data in adjacent DRAM rows. WJW.
Programs and Proofs: Mechanizing Mathematics with Dependent Types, Lecture notes with exercises by Ilya Sergey. Introductory course for Coq and SSReflect.
odo atomically updates a count in a file, which will be created if not present.
pplatex is a small commandline wrapper tool for latex and pdflatex which prints prettier error messages.
XMPP-Client, a secure and trustworthy XMPP client written in OCaml.
A Rare Peek Into The Massive Scale of AWS, very interesting.
Hy is a “wonderful dialect of Lisp” that’s embedded in Python.
Perspective for Emacs provides tagged workspaces in Emacs.
How to fold the world-record-setting paper airplane “Suzanne”
“Get Me Off Your Fucking Mailing List” is an actual science paper accepted by a journal, WJWJWJWJW.