OpenBSD 5.6 has been released.
Idris released, with experimental support for uniqueness types and partial evaluation.
Xerox Alto file server archive, “the Computer History Museum released a set of files archived in the 1970s and early 1980s from the Xerox Alto file servers at Xerox PARC. The files include source code, executables, documents, fonts, and other files.”
HLF is an implementation of LF ala Twelf. “It is implemented as a DSL within Haskell because I hate parsing.”
JavaScript: The Better Parts (YouTube), talk by Douglas Crockford at Nordic.js 2014. Quite interesting ideas.
Porting OpenVMS to HP Integrity Servers, very interesting report.
Vegeta is a versatile HTTP load testing tool built out of need to drill HTTP services with a constant request rate.
git-feed, generate an Atom feed of git commits in the current repository.
The Hidden Power of BCD Instructions, cool stuff.
Halting Password Puzzles: Hard-to-break Encryption from Human-memorable Keys, by Xavier Boyen.
Building a 10BASE5 “Thick Ethernet” network, because we can.
Ice Cream and Distributed Systems
First Drafts of History, “Earliest extant versions of Wikipedia articles”.