OpenBSD 7.0 has been released.
Galileo, Ignoramus: Mathematics versus Philosophy in the Scientific Revolution, by Viktor Blåsjö. “I suggest that it is precisely because he was bad at mathematics that Galileo was keen on experiment and empiricism, and eagerly adopted the telescope. His reliance on these hands-on modes of research was not a pioneering contribution to scientific method, but a last resort of a mind ill equipped to make a contribution on mathematical grounds.”
More details about the October 4 outage, from Facebook.
Bagpipe: Verified BGP configuration checking, by Konstantin Weitz, Doug Woos, Emina Torlak, Michael D. Ernst, Arvind Krishnamurthy, and Zachary Tatlock.
RFC 7938: Use of BGP for Routing in Large-Scale Data Centers
Running BGP in Data Centers at Scale, by Anubhavnidhi Abhashkumar, Kausik Subramanian, Alexey Andreyev, Hyojeong Kim, Nanda Kishore Salem, Jingyi Yang, Petr Lapukhov, Aditya Akella, and Hongyi Zeng.
The VOID is a community-contributed collection of software-related incident reports.
1lab, a formalised development of 1-category theory and elementary topos theory, in Agda.
Fairy-Stockfish is a chess variant engine derived from Stockfish designed for the support of fairy chess variants and easy extensibility with more games.
arTIfiCE is a jailbreak for TI CE calculators with OS 5.5/5.6. It brings back ASM programs and games!
Is this the simplest (and most surprising) sorting algorithm ever?, by Stanley P. Y. Fung.
Your DS18B20 temperature sensor is likely a fake, counterfeit, clone…
Stevey’s Tech Talk, Steve Yegge has a podcast now.
primality test using a double-taped turing machine implemented in xterm and symlinks
Give us your bicycle or die, the story of the bicycles in WWII in the Netherlands.