RFC 7258 / BCP 188: “Pervasive Monitoring Is an Attack”, “The IETF community’s technical assessment is that PM is an attack on the privacy of Internet users and organisations. The IETF community has expressed strong agreement that PM is an attack that needs to be mitigated where possible, via the design of protocols that make PM significantly more expensive or infeasible.”
MuxChain is a small package designed to complement Go’s net/http for specifying chains of handlers.
Lucid Energize Demo (1993, YouTube). Pretty impressive.
Typography in 8 bits: System fonts
Lemma 1, Auszug aus der Erzählung von Helga Königsdorf (1938–2014).
Game of Thrones written on brutal medieval word processor and OS, I’d gladly take WordStar over MS Office any day.
Poetry WTF?! is a website for poetry, but not your gran’s poetry.