Felix Schwenzel: Wie ich lernte, die Überwachung zu lieben, Vortrag von der re:publica 14. Empfehlenswert.
Bring the Guillotine Back to Death Row, Conor Friedersdorf says.
Using Routers to Build Logic Circuits: How Powerful is BGP? (PDF), by Marco Chiesa, Luca Cittadini, Giuseppe Di Battista, Laurent Vanbever, and Stefano Vissicchio. “BGP has the same computing power as a Turing Machine.”
TinySSH is small SSH server using state-of-the-art cryptographic library NaCl / TweetNaCl.
TweetNaCl is the world’s first auditable high-security cryptographic library. TweetNaCl fits into just 100 tweets while supporting all 25 of the NaCl functions used by applications.
task spooler (ts) is a Unix batch system where the tasks spooled run one after the other. The amount of jobs to run at once can be set at any time.
sysstat, Solaris’ key system statistics at a glance. Nice if you miss top.