2013: What should we be worried about? Required reading.
Certified Programming with Dependent Types, now available in print.
Blaze combines the elegance and ease of use of a domain-specific language with HPC-grade performance, making it one of the most intuitive and fastest C++ math libraries available. BSD licensed.
New private key format for OpenSSH. And there was much rejoicing.
FuguIta, an OpenBSD 5.4 + Patches LiveCD/LiveUSB.
websocketd is like inetd for WebSockets.
The Muen Separation Kernel is the world’s first Open Source microkernel that has been formally proven to contain no runtime errors at the source code level.
The British Library, on Flickr. Over 1 million photos.
Shells Science Slam endet im Ölschlick, sehr schön gemacht.