The making of Real World OCaml, final version is up!
Terminal Cornucopia, “Can common items sold in airports after the security screening be used to build lethal weapons?” (Of course, here’s how.)
Optimal Irreducible Polynomials for GF(2^m) Arithmetic, by Michael Scott.
Verified Vector Clocks: An Experience Report, by Christopher Meiklejohn.
Twitter waterflow problem and loeb
Beyond Compare, the first tool with reasonable (supporting insertions and deletions) and quick binary diffs I could find. Linux version available. $30. (If you know an open source/commandline alternative, please mail me.)
WMND is a dockapp for monitoring network interfaces under WindowMaker and other compatible window managers.
mattext, a simple matrix-style pager. Fun!
Shelter From The Storm, the inside story of Bob Dylan’s Blood On The Tracks.