Equality proofs and deferred type errors: A compiler pearl, by Dimitrios Vytiniotis, Simon Peyton Jones, and José Pedro Magalhães. GHC now can show type errors only at runtime, when they actually occur!
Z-Shell completion system introduction, giving a high-level overview.
4E4th is a a small Forth for the MSP 430.
Mecrisp is an implementation of a standalone native code Forth for MSP430 microcontroller chips. Interrupt handlers can be written in Forth, too.
Biculturalism, by Joel Spolsky (2003). “Unix culture values code which is useful to other programmers, while Windows culture values code which is useful to non-programmers.”
Cards Against Humanity is a party game for horrible people.
How To Build Your Own Hug Machine.
Guiness QR Cup, only works with Guiness.