Rip is an attempt to create a next generation packaging system for Ruby. Deserves investigation!
Sicherheit statt Freiheit, Gernot Hausar in Telepolis: “Eine Tour de force durch die Welt der Informationsmanipulation.” Lesebefehl.
Flow in Games, thesis by Jenova Chen. “[T]his thesis uses Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s Flow theory and provides players with subconscious choices to help them actively customize their optimal video game experiences.”
Wer kennt dieses Zeichen?, ist mir auch schon aufgefallen und ich hab richtig erraten was es bedeutet, aber konnte bisher keine Quelle dafür finden.
Quarter Shrinker, a device which uses electromagnetic forming in order to shrink quarters down to the size of a dime.
we love typography, a place to bookmark and savour quality type-related images and quotes.
Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away.
— Philip K. Dick, How to Build a Universe That Doesn’t Fall Apart Two Days Later
Zizek on Porn, “Why is porn afraid of good narrative?”
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The Simpsons Minus The Simpsons, WJW.
three frames, another idea I had before!