Motoi Yamamoto uses salt to create large, insanely detailed, floor patterns. Must see.
Authors@Google: Donald Knuth, on “the interactions between faith and science”.
Shuhari is a Japanese martial arts concept, and describes the stages of learning to mastery. Also applies to programming.
Edbrowse is a combination editor, browser, and mail client that is 100% text based. The interface is similar to /bin/ed, though there are many more features, such as editing multiple files simultaneously, and rendering html. This program was originally written for blind users, but many sighted users have taken advantage of the unique scripting capabilities of this program, which can be found nowhere else.
Buddhist Phenomenology, by Henk Barendregt.
The Elegance of Imperfection, by David Sherwin at A List Apart. “When I try to think of a paradigm for pursuing elegance through imperfection, the Japanese concept of wabi-sabi comes to mind.”
i3, an improved dynamic tiling window manager.
sr-speedbar.el, same frame speedbar. Must have.