GitTorrent makes Git truly distributed.
Python 3.0 has been released.
Let’s talk about Python 3.0, by James Bennett. Worth reading not only because of the analogy at the beginning.
H.M., whose full name has now been revealed as Henry Gustav Molaison, lost completely the ability to form new memories following a radical surgical procedure to treat his severe and intractable epilepsy.
Email Sabbatical is Imminent, danah boyd: “I believe that email eradicates any benefits gained from taking a vacation by collecting mold and spitting it back out at you the moment you return. As such, I’ve trained my beloved INBOX to reject all email during vacation.”
HOWTO: Be more productive, by Aaron Swartz. Always worth rereading.
Xhomer is a machine emulator for the Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) Pro 350 computer, a PDP-11-based machine that was sold in the early to mid-‘80’s.
Images from the German Federal Archive, now at Wikipedia. (But they really should be in the public domain!)
Inside Hiragino, a great font family.
Book as a block, block as a type = booksetting
So you’ve been buried alive, by Jim Stallard.