Fidget is a library for representing, compiling, and evaluating large-scale math expressions, i.e. hundreds or thousands of arithmetic clauses. It’s mainly designed as a backend for implicit surfaces, but the library is flexible enough for many different uses.
Introduction to Synthetic Agda, by Corinthia Beatrix Aberlé.
A Proper x86 Assembler in Haskell Using the Escardó-Oliva Functional, by Vanessa McHale.
Load is not what you should balance: Introducing Prequal (PDF), by Bartek Wydrowski, Robert Kleinberg, Stephen M. Rumble, and Aaron Archer.
Facebook Cookbooks Suite, using Chef. See also their Philosophy. Contains wisdom.
A Retrospective on the Source Code Control System (PDF), by Marc J. Rochkind. From the original creator of SCCS.
gtwr Technical Bulletin, Stefan Gotteswinter has a blog!
Building Ultra Long Range TOSLINK, by Benjojo.
IP-over-Toslink, 2 channels @ 44kHz/16bit = 1536kbit/s digital data… By Manawyrm.
Elektročas HH3, the most accurate pendulum clock on the planet.